Mutuo Health

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Mutuo Health是什麼 ?

Mutuo Health 在醫療創新領域脫穎而出,其旗艦產品 AutoScribe 是一款人工智慧醫療工具,旨在轉換醫學文件製作過程。這款尖端數位助理利用人工智慧將患者與臨床醫生的對話轉錄為準確的臨床備註,讓醫療專業人員能夠專注於照顧患者,而非瑣碎文件工作。通過整合最先進的人工智慧技術,Mutuo Health 旨在增強臨床互動期間患者數據捕捉的效率,提供一個讓醫療工作重拾樂趣的解決方案。

特點 :

  • 將臨床醫生與患者的對話轉錄為臨床備註
  • 與電子病例記錄(EMR)集成
  • 可自定義的備註模板以匹配臨床醫生的寫作風格
  • 實時生成準確的臨床備註,為醫療專業人員節省時間

定價 :

  • Mutuo Health 為新用戶提供一個月的免費試用,讓他們體驗 AutoScribe 的好處。有關試用之外的詳細定價,建議有興趣的人直接聯繫 Mutuo Health。

預計參觀人流量 :

10.06K /

用戶分布 :

Canada - 26.19% | United States - 10.34% | Indonesia - 8.9% | India - 8.78% | Nigeria - 8.21%


在這次引人入勝的探討中,我們討論了是否有可能將未付按揭款項重組為分期付款。專精於銀行債務的律師Francesco Cacciola向我們介紹了在金融困境中的房主可以採取的選項,特別是在像大流行病帶來的經濟挑戰之後。

1. 了解按揭違約後果


2. 與銀行協商


3. 替代解決方案


4. 法律建議與策略


5. Mutuo Health 影片摘要


其他 Mutuo Health 相關視頻


  • Mutuo Health Solutions icon
    Mutuo Health Solutions
    Fall into efficiency! Add Mutuo's AutoScribe to your practice. Spend less time charting, more time with family, and savour the joys of the season! Sign up for a FREE trial and experience the balance you deserve:

    #HealthcareTech #AutoScribe
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  • Mutuo Health Solutions icon
    Mutuo Health Solutions
    Join our referral program and unlock rewards! Refer a colleague to AutoScribe, and when they subscribe, you'll enjoy $100 off your subscription the following month. Learn more and start referring: #AutoScribe #HealthTech
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  • Mutuo Health Solutions icon
    Mutuo Health Solutions
    Exciting update! 🌐 AutoScribe can now process 20 additional languages, making clinical interactions even more accessible for clinicians and their patients - sign up or learn more at #HealthTech #AutoScribe
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  • Mutuo Health Solutions icon
    Mutuo Health Solutions
    At AutoScribe, we're committed to delivering accurate real-time medical notes at competitive prices tailored to your specialty and practice model. Investing in our technology can yield up to 5x yearly financial returns! Discover more:
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  • Mutuo Health Solutions icon
    Mutuo Health Solutions
    🎉 Make 2024 about freeing up time for the things you love. AutoScribe is your shortcut to spend less time on medical notes, more time on what matters. 🚀 Start a free trial now: #NewYearNewYou #AutoScribe #AIinHealthcare
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  • Digital Health Canada icon
    Digital Health Canada
    We connect, inspire, and empower the digital health professionals contributing to the future of healthcare in Canada.
    We are delighted to welcome @MutuoHealth Solutions to Digital Health Canada StartUp Membership. Mutuo's AI-powered digital scribe tool reduces clinician burnout by creating accurate medical notes in real time. Learn more about AutoScribe at
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  • PHABC icon
    Public Health Association of BC promotes health, wellbeing and equity for all British Columbians through leadership in public health.
    “AI is going to be transformative in 30 years, just like the internet, so we have to start now.” Dr. Noah Crampton’s team at Mutuo Health developed AutoScribe to transcribe patient-doctor conversations into medical notes in seconds. @UofT @MutuoHealth
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用戶對於Mutuo Health的看法 - 來自Twitter

  • Mutuo Health的AI工具AutoScribe讓醫療專業人士可以減少記錄時間,提升工作與生活的平衡,讓更多時間用於個人活動。
  • AutoScribe的推薦計劃提供金錢獎勵,獎勵使用者帶來新客戶的訂閱折扣。
  • 該工具增強了其功能,支持20種不同語言,使其更具多樣性和適用性,適用於各種臨床環境。
  • AutoScribe承諾通過提供專業、具有競爭力價格的醫學筆記服務,每年潛在回報率高達5倍,帶來顯著的財務效益。
  • 重大改進包括將醫生與患者互動實時轉錄為醫學筆記,旨在減輕臨床人員的疲憊感,提高運營效率。
  • Digital Health Canada已承認Mutuo Health,將AutoScribe納入其新創會員資格,肯定該工具對數字醫療解決方案的貢獻。
  • 在Noah Crampton博士的願景下,AutoScribe已經開發出來,旨在改變醫療文檔流程,與互聯網的轉型影響相呼應,快速將患者與醫生的對話轉錄為筆記。

Mutuo Health 優點和缺點

優點 :

  • 在臨床文件製作中節省大量時間
  • 提高病患與臨床醫生互動的質量
  • 提供可定制的模板以滿足個別臨床醫生的喜好

缺點 :

  • 需要初始學習和整合努力
  • 依賴於不同臨床環境中語音識別的準確性

Mutuo Health 常見問題

  • 1如何重設我的密碼?


  • 2AutoScribe 收集的數據會怎樣處理?

    AutoScribe 收集的數據僅用於改進人工智慧模型,不會被共享或出售。它受到標準的隱私和網絡安全機制保護,符合醫療應用的要求。

Mutuo Health 使用案例

  • 通過減少花在記錄筆記上的時間來增強患者與臨床醫生的互動
  • 提高醫學文件的準確性和效率
  • 讓臨床醫生能更多關注患者而非文件工作,促進更好的患者照顧




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