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Day Trip to a Korean Beach! Korean Drinking Culture and Hanging with Friends in Busan, South Korea!

作者:Brandon and Sora     更新 Feb 26, 2024

Join us on a lively day trip to Busan's sandy shores, as we dive into the vibrant Korean drinking culture and enjoy the camaraderie among friends in bustling Busan, South Korea!

1. The Journey to Busan

The adventure begins with excitement as we board the KTX to Busan, buzzing with anticipation and a bit puzzled by the clamor around us. After a longer-than-expected journey, filled with loud conversations and uncooperative Wi-Fi, we finally arrive.

Navigating through the city, we hop onto the subway, aiming for our hotel. The ride eats up another hour, adding to the sense of fatigue, but the thought of reaching our cozy stay with its welcoming bed and stunning views keeps our spirits high.

Timing is everything, and after a couple of detours – a mistaken 3:35 PM for 2:35 PM, we laugh off the confusion – we settle in. Our hotel boasts all the comforts, from a well-equipped kitchen to a soft bed to sink into after our travels.

2. Culinary Delights in Busan

The local cuisine beckons us first, as we decide to grab a bite before heading to the beach. The weather hints at rain, but our cravings for traditional Korean dishes, like sundae (blood sausage) soup and rice, are undeterred.

Dining out in Busan is a culinary journey, as we savor the hearty flavors of pork soup (돼지국밥) and even contemplate the novelty of trying Chinese-Korean food. Each dish brings a sense of comfort and warmth, much needed on this dreary day.

Sweet treats and coffee follow, providing not just a sugar rush that's better than Starbucks offerings but also a tangible sense of local culture. The price tag for a liter of mango delight? Worth every penny, according to our taste buds.

3. Chilly Moments at the Beach

Busan's beaches are known for their beauty, but the day's cold snap makes it less inviting than usual. We make the best of it, with Sora braving the task of digging in the sand, though the efforts quickly feel futile against the chill.

The lure of the ocean is strong, but even $500 spent on a beach day can't persuade us to dip into the icy waters. Cloudy skies and biting winds ensure we stay dry, and the experience, while different from what we hoped, still has its unique charm.

A bit of regret lingers; after all, who enjoys shivering beside the shore? But we laugh it off, deciding that cold water isn't for everyone, and sometimes the beach is best enjoyed from a safe, warm distance.

4. Korean Drinking Culture and Warm Reunions

No trip to Busan would be complete without a night out, enjoying the famous Korean drinking culture. As we reconnect with old friends, Evan and his wife, the evening promises to be filled with toasts and tales, a fitting way to celebrate our visit.

The drinking begins at the arcade, a JINRO haven, and then moves to a quaint restaurant. Plates laden with seafood and local delicacies crowd our table, almost as plentiful as the laughter and chatter among us.

The saying 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do' resonates as we immerse ourselves in the night, clinking glasses and savoring every drop. The bond of friendship, coupled with the ritual of shared drinks, highlights the collective spirit that defines Korea's nighttime revelry.

5. Refueling with Coffee and Planning Ahead

After a night of indulgence, a caffeine kick becomes necessary. At Casa Busano, a café with a cigar bar and intriguing cocktails, we find a soft landing. There's talk of trying their cocktails, but for now, the iced Americano suffices.

Always on the clock, even in moments of leisure, I juggle vacation with the thoughts of memorizing lines for a film script. The chance to unwind over the weekend, despite the pressing deadline, is a balancing act we're willing to perform.

As our time in Busan comes to an end, we contemplate the moments shared and the food relished, knowing these experiences are what define a true getaway. And so, with satisfied stomachs and hearts, we gear up for the journey back to routine.

6. Good Vibes and Future Wishes

Our audience shares fond remarks, pointing out how the adventure, despite the chill, seemed like a blast – food and drink, and of course, our company was spot on!

Curiosity peaks as one viewer rewinds the tape, catching a hint of an upcoming baby – a personal tidbit amidst an otherwise public excursion. A true testament to the close-knit community vibe we've nurtured.

The universal 'One Love' sentiment resonates through the comments, as well-wishes for warm waters next time echo amidst hearty laughs and the prospect of beautiful children to come.

7. Tech Tips and Beachside Reflections

A helpful suggestion drops about trying to configure Wi-Fi on the KTX, alongside commiseration regarding the rainy season woes in Busan. It's a gentle nudge to seek local advice, hinting at the connectivity that travelers often seek.

The soothing sounds of the beach in videos compared to the real thing spark an observation – reality sometimes differs from the serenity presented online. Yet, this realization doesn't dampen spirits; it simply adds a layer of authenticity to the experience.

Supportive chuckles and animated emojis pepper the feedback, reinforcing the amusing aspects of the trip. It's a reminder that joy often lies not only in the destination but also in the shared journey – one filled with good food, great company, and a hearty dose of laughter.


This article offers a fun-filled recount of a day trip to a beach in Busan, South Korea, complete with the savory tastes of Korean food, the warmth of friendship, and the unique Korean drinking culture. Despite facing a rather noisy train ride, unexpected weather, and even some icy beach water, the adventure was memorable. From arcades to seafood feasts and cozy café stops, this journey offered a taste of Korean lifestyle and camaraderie.