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Blender Tutorial – How to Use AI to Create 3D Models (ChatGPT and Blender)

作者:Blender Academy     更新 Feb 28, 2024

Join us as we explore the innovative conjunction of artificial intelligence and 3D modeling, focusing on the free and powerful tools of ChatGPT and Blender. Whether you're a seasoned professional or an enthusiastic newbie, prepare to discover a new realm of creative potential.

1. Getting Started with Blender and ChatGPT

Kicking things off, we guide you through the simple download and installation process for Blender, the versatile 3D creative suite. With just a web browser, head to blender.org and snag the right version for your operating system.

Next up, we introduce ChatGPT, OpenAI's wizard of the written word, and your new AI writing assistant. Just sign in, or sign up, at chat.openai.com, and you'll be chatting away with this AI dynamo in no time.

Be mindful that while ChatGPT is gratis, ChatGPT Plus offers priority access to nifty new features and the latest AI model, all of which might be handy for aspiring 3D aficionados.

2. Your First AI-Generated 3D Model

Once you've got Blender up and your fingers itching to create, it's time to pair it with ChatGPT's script-writing prowess. We start simple: a golden ball. Not too splashy, but it's a solid first step that showcases the core process.

The magic unfolds in Blender's scripting tab, where ChatGPT's script becomes a reality. Copy, paste, run the script, and voila—a ball appears. Material Preview brings the gold to life, elegantly demonstrating the practical side of AI in 3D modeling.

This foundational process opens the door wide to creating increasingly complex models. But don't get discouraged if your first attempts hit a snag—ChatGPT's instructions may need some tweaking to work seamlessly with Blender's latest updates.

3. Viewers' First Impressions

Newcomers to Blender and ChatGPT have shared a kaleidoscope of experiences, from delightful surprises to learning curves. One viewer was excited to declare the tutorial as a game-changer, appreciated for its clarity and comprehensiveness.

However, not all creative endeavors turn out as envisioned. A tale of a 'dragon' comprising a cube and sphere showcases that there's room for improvement in the AI's ability to interpret artistic prompts.

Despite mixed results, users show a pioneering spirit, with one applying ChatGPT's scripting could to generate a GUI for a Python app, highlighting AI's unexpected versatilities and potentials beyond standard usage.

4. The Road to Mastery

Navigating the nexus of AI and Blender hasn't been a cakewalk for every learner. Some express frustrations at the less-than-stellar results, while others chuckle over beginner mistakes—like taking an age to delete the default cube.

It's cheered though when the realism seeps in, with users valuing the tutorial's honesty about both triumphs and limitations. This authentic approach not only educates but also tempers expectations, allowing users to approach their learning journey with a balanced perspective.

Viewer engagement doesn't end at the tutorial's edge, as many are eager to suggest future content. Some even ponder if the advancing AI may one day craft intricate buildings for their games or guide them in new career directions as the digital landscape evolves.


In this article, we dive into the interplay between AI and 3D modeling, showcasing how ChatGPT can generate scripts to create models in Blender—a combination that's sparking creativity and redefining workflows. With practical tips and a realistic outlook, we invite you to explore the synergy of these platforms.