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Is Google's Bard AI Going to END Your Blog? Is SEO Dead in 2023?

por Corrie Who Writes     Atualizado Mar 2, 2024

The blogging world is abuzz with talk about Google’s Bard AI and its potential impact on traditional content creation and SEO practices. Let's delve into what Bard really is, why it’s causing such a stir, and whether it truly spells doom for SEO in 2023.

1. Understanding Google's Bard AI

Google's Bard AI is a conversational chatbot designed to provide users with accurate, detailed answers to their questions without sifting through pages of search results. This might lead to reduced clicks to blogs, inciting fear in the blogging community.

Despite its potential, Bard isn’t foolproof. Its blunder during a demonstration shows there's room for improvement. This reassures bloggers that while Bard is a notable player, it's not the end-all-be-all for content seekers.

By understanding Bard's capabilities and limitations, bloggers can strategize to create content that remains beyond the reach of AI – rich, nuanced articles that value personal insight over plain facts.

2. What Content Will Bard Affect the Most?

Informational posts that answer specific, fact-based questions are likely to be heavily impacted by Bard. These are the types of content that Bard can easily replicate, reducing the need for users to visit individual blogs for answers.

For years, informational posts have been a cornerstone for bloggers to establish authority and capture long-tail keyword traffic. However, with Bard’s rollout, the reduced user reliance on traditional search results makes these posts less traffic-friendly.

Bloggers will find it constructive to transition their efforts from informational articles to content types less susceptible to AI substitution, ensuring their work continues to attract readers and drive revenue.

3. Adapting to AI: Content That Will Survive

As Bard reshapes the information landscape, bloggers can focus on creating content with a human touch that AI can't match, such as in-depth product reviews, detailed how-to guides, and experience-based narratives.

Personal anecdotes, authentic reviews, and visual-rich instructions are types of content that benefit from the blogger's unique voice and expertise. Bard is likely to struggle replicating the authenticity and detailed insights provided in such posts.

By doubling down on content that showcases personal expertise, such as comprehensive comparisons or step-by-step tutorials imbued with personal experience, bloggers can ensure their content remains valuable and sought-after.

4. Community Concerns and Insights

Viewers are eager to understand which content categories are safe from being eclipsed by AI bots like Bard, calling for a video that lists them explicitly.

Discussions arise on whether product comparison posts will stem from hands-on experience or purely informational research, emphasizing the unique value of real-life product testing.

With the advent of Bard, there's a growing concern about how content mills focusing solely on SEO will adapt, especially those publishing primarily informational articles.

5. Strategizing for Bard's Impact and Beyond

Some viewers are considering diversifying their content platforms and focusing on selling their own products in light of Bard's introduction and potential changes like the removal of third-party cookies from Chrome.

New bloggers express anxiety about the future of their informational blogs, seeking guidance on how to pivot their content strategy to remain viable in the evolving digital content landscape.

Queries regarding the scope of reviews—whether bloggers will be using their own experiences or aggregating others’ opinions—highlight the importance of authenticity in product-related content.

6. Embracing Change in the Age of AI

As Google’s Bard and similar AI technologies enter the market, some predict a significant shift in content strategies, advising content creators to prepare for changes in the value of informational versus experiential posts.

Travel bloggers and other niche content creators question whether their visually rich posts will maintain reader interest in the face of AI-curated lists, underlining the value of unique and engaging multimedia content.

Despite the trepidation AI advancements bring, many seasoned creators remember the cyclical prophecies of 'the end of an era' and remain optimistic, adjusting to new norms while continuing their craft confidently.


Although Google's Bard AI marks a significant shift in how users might fetch information online, it doesn’t signal the end of SEO. Instead, it highlights the evolving landscape of online content and reaffirms the need for unique, high-quality, and experience-based content to stand out.