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I Built a SNAKE GAME using Python & ChatGPT

por WsCube Tech     Atualizado Feb 27, 2024

Dive into the fascinating journey of creating a classic snake game using the magic of Python and the innovative artificial intelligence of ChatGPT. Let's explore how these tools change the game of programming and potentially, our future in the industry.

1. Cooking Up the Code with ChatGPT Assistance

Picture this: you're keen to build a game, but the thought of long lines of code dampens your spirits. Enter ChatGPT - your AI coding companion that simplifies the process. With a simple prompt, ChatGPT whips up a workable base of Python code, serving as a robust foundation for your game.

However, it's not all smooth sailing. AI, much like a novice chef, might leave the recipe halfway done. In such cases, nudging ChatGPT to 'continue generating' fills in the gaps, letting you assemble a complete and functional code layout.

To sprinkle on your personalized touch, replace the generic dots and images with your own creative assets. With the basic game structure in place, curating a unique look and feel becomes a breeze, showcasing your distinct style.

2. Setting Up the Game Environment

Before the game takes shape, there's some prep work to be done. Pygame, a set of Python modules designed for game development, needs to be installed. Think of it as gathering your ingredients before baking a cake.

The Pygame library is essential, acting as the kitchen where all the game magic happens. With a few straightforward commands, Pygame lays the groundwork, making sure you're ready to bring your game to life.

Once Pygame is set up, transferring the ChatGPT-produced recipe over to Python's oven – PyCharm or any other Integrated Development Environment (IDE), – is all it takes to start the game. A few tweaks and testing are akin to taste tests, ensuring your game is good to go.

3. Exploring the Impact on Programming Jobs

There's a buzz in the tech community about AI potentially snatching away programming jobs. While such tools as ChatGPT can indeed dish out code faster than before, they're more like kitchen gadgets that make chopping faster rather than replacing the chef.

Employing ChatGPT effectively still requires a seasoned programmer's knowledge – understanding what makes the code sizzle and how to tweak it when it doesn't quite taste right.

Just like cooking, programming is an art form, with nuances that AI has yet to grasp fully. So rest easy, coders; our jobs seem secure for now, with AI as a trusty sous-chef rather than head cook.

4. The Learning Curve and Accessibility

ChatGPT might come across as a shortcut to avoid the gritty learning process, but there's a catch. Without grasping the basics of Python and game development concepts, you'd be lost, much like trying to follow a gourmet recipe without knowing how to fry an egg.

Despite these challenges, it's a rapidly accessible assistant. For programmers seasoned and novice alike, ChatGPT offers a helping hand, swiftly generating code chunks that can be customized and improved upon.

The takeaway? Embrace this AI-driven assistant, but keep honing your craft. Understand each line of code like an ingredient in your favorite recipe, because at the end of the day, it's the chef's touch that turns a good dish into a great one.


Combining Python, a robust programming language, with ChatGPT, an AI-driven coding assistant, we conjured a snake game from scratch. While the AI helps in streamlining the development process, it also poses interesting questions about the future of programming jobs. Through this experience, the efficiency of AI support in coding tasks is highlighted, yet the need for human expertise remains clear.