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SORA AI, First Impressions | AI

RenderRam による     更新済み Feb 26, 2024

Diving into the revolutionary SORA AI by OpenAI, we explore its strengths and implications. Amidst public debates on job security and AI ethics, SORA is turning heads with its video generation capabilities. Here are our first impressions.

1. Unprecedented Video Consistency

SORA's consistency in video generation challenges the status quo. Unlike anything we've seen before, it maintains continuity and avoids the morphology issues that have plagued previous AI attempts. Videos remain coherent, whether showcasing migrating mammoths or bustling crowds.

Its ability to understand 3D space is rooted in deep video-based learning. This allows SORA to simulate real-world physics, ensuring that a sofa behaves like fabric, not a cracking egg, under the virtual impact of a brick—a testament to its sophisticated modeling.

This consistency extends to image creation as well, leveraging SORA's video training to infuse stills with realistic behavior and textures. The resulting images and videos are impressive, with each detail, down to the spots on a puppy's coat, remaining perfectly in place.

2. Seamless Blending Magic

One of SORA's most jaw-dropping features is its ability to blend vastly different videos into a cohesive narrative. Imagine morphing a drone flight through ruins into a butterfly swimming in the ocean; SORA makes this transition smooth and visually stunning.

What truly boggles the mind is how these sequences can transition from one scenario to another, all while maintaining a logical flow that challenges perception. As creators, we are offered a tool that extends beyond our current capacity to merge disparate visuals.

This blending prowess aligns with the AI's understanding of sequencing and logical progressions. It hints at a future where the lines between reality and CGI blur, opening doors to unprecedented creativity and narrative storytelling in video production.

3. A Future of AI-Assisted Creation

The discussion around SORA oscillates between awe and concern. Some see it as a powerful ally in creative workflows, while others fear the impact on job security and the potential for misuse in deepfake production.

Many are intrigued by the possibility of AI-generated content transforming social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube Shorts. With SORA, creators could potentially churn out high-quality content at breakneck speeds, changing the game for digital content.

Safety barriers, such as the current inability of AI to produce high-bitrate footage, are seen as temporary. Skeptics point out that given AI's swift progress, such limitations are likely to be overcome, further stirring the pot on the AI revolution's implications.

4. Reflections on AI Ethics and Theft

As we marvel at SORA's capabilities, concerns about AI ethics simmer. There's an undercurrent of worry about AI systems 'feeding' off copyrighted images and footage without repercussion, while individuals face strict limitations on content usage.

Voices in the public forum suggest that we should pay more attention to the societal consequences of such technologies, rather than focusing solely on their technical prowess or the industries they might disrupt.

This conundrum leaves us straddling the line between excitement for AI's potential to revolutionize the digital world and concern for the cultural and legal issues that its rapid development may precipitate.


SORA, the new AI-powered video creator from OpenAI, is making waves with its ultra-consistent outputs and 3D comprehension. The AI's knack for seamless video blending and logical image extension has the potential to innovate numerous fields, though it has yet to become widely accessible.