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How to Use Google BARD for Marketing: Quick Tips

par Neal Schaffer     Mis à jour Mar 2, 2024

A brief introduction to the transformative world of Google BARD and its potential for boosting your marketing game.

1. Getting Started with Google BARD

Google BARD is akin to an astute assistant, ready to help you brainstorm and structure your content with ease. To access BARD, simply head to bard.google.com – assuming it's publicly available – and dive into its user-friendly interface.

Envision yourself having a conversation with your oh-so-smart assistant. Chat with BARD as naturally as you would a colleague, asking pointed questions to extract the insights you need for your next blog post or marketing initiative.

Prompt engineering can be a complex topic, but don't sweat it here. A straightforward prompt like 'What are the top challenges in building an e-commerce site?' can spark a list of focused topics for you to explore in your content.

2. Fine-tuning Content Ideas

Google BARD acts as a muse, offering ideas that can be further refined by your expert touch. Remember, AI provides starting points, not finished articles – some ideas it suggests may not fit your narrative, so pick what works.

By tweaking prompts, you can generate a variety of angles on a subject. Compare the outputs from different prompts to complete a content idea that aligns with your goals, whether educating readers or driving business growth.

Say, for instance, you need to focus on using e-commerce to grow a business. A prompt change can switch your angle from building a site to scaling it, granting you a fresh set of tips and methods to discuss.

3. Harnessing Bard for Social Media Impact

Google BARD can craft bite-sized summaries perfect for sharing on social media. Want a quick Twitter blast? Command BARD to condense your article into a tweetable format, complete with catchy hashtags and vibrant emojis.

Expand beyond tweets to LinkedIn or Facebook posts by requesting extended summaries with bullet points. This approach brings rich, detailed previews to your posts, enticing your audience to dive deeper into your offerings.

Be vigilant, though: Ensure the AI's assumptions align with your content. While BARD can generate potent summaries, it's up to you to verify their accuracy. This ensures authenticity and maintains trust with your readership.

4. Being Authentically Social with Bard

Show off your expertise by providing ample information directly within your social media posts. Sharing valuable content upfront can capture attention more effectively than mere titles and links.

Use BARD's output as a base to craft informative and engaging posts that give a generous taste of your content. By doing so, you offer real value to your audience, whether or not they proceed to clicking through.

This generous approach to social sharing – sharing ample, relevant knowledge – embodies being authentically social. It demonstrates respect for your audience's time and positions you as a source of substantial insight.


This article explores the innovative ways marketers can utilize Google BARD to elevate their content strategy, social media sharing, and overall online presence.