الصفحة الرئيسيةسهم يمينأخبار الذكاء الاصطناعيسهم يمينmy-first-time-in-america-24-hours-in-washington-dc-international-couple

My First Time in America! 🇺🇸 24 Hours in Washington DC! 🤩 [ International Couple] 🇰🇷🇲🇳🇺🇸

بواسطة Brandon and Sora     تم التحديث Feb 25, 2024

An exhilarating whirlwind tour capturing the essence of Washington DC – the heart of American history and culture – through the eyes of a couple experiencing it for the very first time.

1. Landing in the Capital

Our travelogue begins at the Shady Grove Metro Station in Maryland, where the adventure to discover America's capital was initiated with an eagerness to witness the legendary sights of Washington DC.

The excitement was palpable as we boarded the train to Farragut North, nearer to icons such as the White House and the National Mall. The couple shared their anticipation of exploring bustling K Street and showing reverence at memorials like Lincoln's and Jefferson's.

Upon arrival in the bustling city, the couple encountered their first cultural surprise – the absence of public restrooms in the Metro stations – a small but noteworthy difference from their country that highlighted the uniqueness of American city life.

2. A Museum Marathon

In awe of the grandeur and the sheer scale of DC's architecture, the couple explored a mixture of art and history, visiting the National Gallery of Art and diving into the African American narrative at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture.

They enjoyed the innovative exhibits at the Renwick Gallery and the storied ambiance of Lafayette Square, appreciating the opportunity to see artwork from all over the globe, a unique experience they noted was impossible back home in Korea.

Their museum visits were not only an artistic pilgrimage but also an educational journey, offering fresh insights into American history and diverse cultural perspectives – experiences treasured by international visitors.

3. Monuments and Memorials

Strolling through the National Mall, the monumental beauty of the Washington Monument, the World War II Memorial, and the poignant narratives enshrined at the Lincoln Memorial awaited the couple – each site narrating a chapter of American identity.

The couple reflected on how DC's grandeur and compact city layout facilitated a sense of connectedness to American history, allowing them to witness the powerful symbols of the nation's past within walking distance.

A thoughtful discussion ensued about the cost of living in such an important urban hub, the strategic location of DC amid Maryland and Virginia, and the historical annexation of these lands, enriching their understanding of the city.

4. Culinary Discoveries

Amidst their explorations, the couple took a flavorful detour to savor local eats, marveling at both the size and affordability of American portions as they tucked into massive, mouthwatering burritos in the city center.

They compared the food prices to back home in Korea, noting the surprising affordability of enjoying the city without entry fees to most sights – a welcome difference that allowed them to indulge in the local cuisine without breaking the bank.

Their epicurean adventure was completed with refreshments at Clyde's, where they enjoyed varied cocktails while reflecting on the day's journey, creating a tapestry of memorable tastes and experiences.

5. Reflections on a Day Well-Spent

As the day drew to a close, they acknowledged there was much left unseen, with museums left unexplored and layers of history yet to be uncovered – a testament to the richness of Washington DC that they could only skim in a day.

With a promise to return and see more, the couple summarized their experience as eye-opening and enlightening, filled with lessons and impressions that challenged and expanded their worldviews.

In a heartfelt farewell, they invited viewers to join in on future explorations, leaving the readers with an infectious urge to explore, learn, and discover the vast offerings of Washington DC themselves.

6. Local Impressions & Historical Corrections

The readers chimed in with their local knowledge, pointing out historical nuances such as the reversal of land between Virginia and DC and Maryland's geographical positioning below the Mason-Dixon line.

A historian among the commenters offered a deeper understanding of the region's role in pivotal historical events, including the Civil War and the War of 1812, while gently correcting some misconceptions expressed in the video.

The interactive comments section proved to be an additional learning resource, with suggestions for other historically rich areas to explore, such as battlefields turned into parks and the extensive three-day trip that could be dedicated solely to the African American Museum.

7. Commendations and Recommendations

New fans of the channel offered their congratulations and praises for the fresh perspective brought by the international couple's explorations, inspiring them to subscribe and look forward to more content.

Many comments suggested additional DC attractions, highlighting the city's walkability and emphasizing that true immersion requires much more than a day – possibly a good week if the weather permits, an insight likely useful for future travelers.

Positive reactions, including love for the portrayal of walkable city spaces and the exciting content, motivated the couple and underscored the community's anticipation of their next adventure.


This article chronicles the adventures of an international couple during their intimate exploration of Washington DC, an iconic city of history and politics. From the magnificent National Mall to the thought-provoking Smithsonian Museums, they discover the city's rich tapestry, including unexpected encounters and the vibrant melting pot that is America.