الصفحة الرئيسيةسهم يمينأخبار الذكاء الاصطناعيسهم يمينbard-can-now-write-code-and-export-it-directly-to-colab

Bard Can Now Write Code and Export it Directly to Colab

بواسطة Sam Witteveen     تم التحديث Mar 2, 2024

Let's dive into the new abilities of Bard, Google's AI, which now impresses with its coding capabilities and seamless integration with Colab.

1. Bard's Enhanced Coding Abilities

The AI landscape shifted as Bard gained the ability to write code. After initial disappointment due to its lack of coding prowess, updates have equipped Bard with this much-anticipated skill.

Internally, Bard could handle code from the get-go, but scaling such abilities to a wider audience demanded thoughtful calibration of its capabilities. This led to the creation of smaller, more manageable versions of the AI model.

The latest update brings this functionality to the forefront, providing speedy code generation. Users can now literally speak their needs—for example, requesting a Python function to check if a number is prime—and Bard swiftly complies.

2. Direct Export to Google Colab

Bard's new feature streamlines the process from code creation to execution. The ability to export directly to Colab with a simple click elevates its utility, placing code in a ready-to-run notebook environment.

By exporting the generated code to Colab, users can immediately test and modify their code. This integration not only saves time but also encourages experimentation and learning within Google's ecosystem.

Whether you're crafting complex SQL databases or writing simple Python functions, Bard's seamless export to Colab supports your creative coding journey.

3. Accessibility Concerns

Some users have voiced their frustration about Bard's limited availability, highlighting regional restrictions and a perceived lack of respect from Google towards international users.

Concerns are also raised about ownership of the AI-generated code and the impact of terms of service on users' willingness to adopt this new technology.

The demand for open-source AI alternatives that avoid corporate geo-politics and offer more inclusive access is evident in the public discourse.

4. Practical Coding with Bard

Users report mixed experiences with Bard's coding abilities. While it shines with rapid improvement and supports Python in Colab, it seems to fall short in handling complex tasks and other programming languages.

The community advises using Bard iteratively, asking for specific code modifications to avoid overwhelming the AI and triggering token memory limitations.

Bard is recognized as a tool that is particularly useful for novices or when dealing with simple code. However, more experienced coders might still prefer other AI-assisted coding solutions or further enhancements to Bard.


Google's Bard has stepped up its game. Once unable to produce code, it now allows users to write, explain, and delve into code effortlessly. With the recent update, users can export generated functions directly to Colab. The AI excels in Python coding, offering explanations and creating databases in SQL lite. Despite limitations, Bard is advancing rapidly, suggesting its potential as a useful tool for budding and experienced coders alike.